lets habilitate

autism treatment in hyderabad

Lets learn

Educational Services

Let’s Habilitate offers a unique orientation program we call “Let’s Learn (Pre-ready program for schools).”We create a safe environment for the children who have made progress with their individual disorders in therapy and bring them to the sandbox-like social setting where they are introduced to being in a group. This is to holistically let them adapt to a school-like environment, so they experience no roadblocks in their education.

Here we equip the kid with 6 segmental modules to build social tolerance by behavioural modifications and creating proficiency in activities of daily living [ADL] as well.

6 segments of our orientation program facilitate

  • Mental Development – Reading, writing, concept learning
  • Physical Development – Yoga and exercises
  • Emotional Development – Kid choice of skill training like dance, music, art etc
  • Social Development – Peer play & socialization
  • ADL- ADL training
  • Holistic development